- spleenrbc::hhs_asympRed blood cell counts collected from asymptomatic Papuans who reported no fever within the preceding 24 hours (708 uninfected, 50 Pf infections, 45 Pv infections) in a cross-sectional household survey conducted in southern Papua, Indonesia.
- spleenrbc::parameters_pfPf parameter values for each scenario.
- spleenrbc::parameters_pvPv parameter values for each scenario.
- spleenrbc::rbc_steady_stateThe red blood cell count at homeostasis.
- spleenrbc::splenectomisedUninfected and infected RBC counts in the circulation and spleen of 15 asymptomatic adults in Papua, Indonesia (9 Pf infections, 6 Pv infections) who underwent splenectomy, mostly due to trauma.