Evidence for parameter values

This document collects sources of evidence for baseline parameter values.

library(spleenrbc, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

output_dir <- here("outputs")

pf <- baseline_parameters("Pf")
pv <- baseline_parameters("Pv")

# Remove non-scalar derived parameters, such as the initial red blood cell
# populations.
remove_nonscalar_derived_parameters <- function(x) {
  x[sapply(x, function(x) length(x) == 1)]

# Define how to format parameter values of different magnitudes.
format_value <- function(x, nsmall = 4, digits = 5, min = 1e-4, max = 1e4,
                         delim = TRUE) {
  scientific <- x < min || x > max
  result <- format(x, digits = digits, nsmall = nsmall,
                   scientific = scientific)
  if (delim) {
    start <- "\\("
    end <- "\\)"
  } else {
    start <- ""
    end <- ""
  if (scientific) {
    # Convert from scientific notation to "X x 10^Y".
    parts <- strsplit(result, "e")[[1]]
    digits <- parts[1]
    # Strip the plus sign from exponents.
    power <- sub("^\\+", "", parts[2])
    # Strip leading zeros from positive and negative exponents.
    power <- sub("^(-?)0*", "\\1", power)
    paste0(start, digits, "\\times 10^{", power, "}", end)
  } else {
    # Strip fractional digits for integer values.
    result <- sub("\\.0+$", "", result)
    paste0(start, result, end)

# Convenience function for inline R expressions.
pretty <- function(x, digits = 3, nsmall = 0, delim = FALSE) {
  format_value(x, digits = digits, nsmall = nsmall, delim = delim)

# Return the baseline parameters for a species as a long data frame.
get_baseline_parameters <- function(species) {
  baseline_parameters(species = species) |>
    remove_nonscalar_derived_parameters() |>
    as.data.frame() |>
      species = NULL,
      nospleen = NULL,
      Scenario = NULL
    ) |>
      names_to = "Parameter",
    ) |>
      value = sapply(value, format_value)

# Convert the baseline parameters for both species into data frames.
baseline <- dplyr::inner_join(
  get_baseline_parameters("Pf") |>
    dplyr::rename(Pf = value),
  get_baseline_parameters("Pv") |>
    dplyr::rename(Pv = value),
  by = "Parameter"
) |>
  # Sort by parameter name (case-insensitive).
  dplyr::arrange(tolower(Parameter)) |>
  # Highlight parameters whose values differ between species.
  dplyr::mutate(Parameter = dplyr::case_when(
    .default = Parameter,
    Pf != Pv ~ paste0("**", Parameter, "**")
# For each parameter, add a link to the relevant section that describes the
# available evidence (if any).
baseline <- baseline |>
  dplyr::mutate(Evidence = dplyr::case_when(
    Parameter == "gamma" ~ "[Normoblast population in the bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "M_t_1" ~ "[Macrophage population in the spleen]",
    Parameter == "MaxFold" ~ "[Maximum fold increase in RBC production]",
    Parameter == "PMF" ~ "[Parasite multiplication]",
    Parameter == "rho0" ~ "[Reticulocyte release from bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "rho_slope" ~ "[Reticulocyte release from bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "rho_inflection" ~ "[Reticulocyte release from bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "kappa" ~ "[Reticulocyte release from bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "T_R" ~ "[Reticulocyte release from bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "T_R_min" ~ "[Reticulocyte release from bone marrow]",
    Parameter == "U_ss" ~ "[Steady-state RBC population]",
    .default = ""

    "Evidence for chosen parameter values.",
    "Parameters that differ between species are shown **in bold**."
Evidence for chosen parameter values. Parameters that differ between species are shown in bold.
Parameter Pf Pv Evidence
a50_beta 80 80
bM 0.051398 0.051398
consUl 0.3300 0.3300
delta_iR 0.5620 0.5620
delta_iR_prime 0.01686 0.01686
delta_iS 1.1240 1.1240
delta_iS_prime 0.01124 0.01124
delta_iS_scale 2 2
deltaIa_c50 26 26
deltaIa_slope 10 10
deltaU_A 0.74303 0.74303
deltaU_c50 2954.3060 2954.3060
deltaU_g 43.7334 43.7334
deltaU_kmax 1.2069 1.2069
deltaU_kmin 2.1641 × 10−5 2.1641 × 10−5
gamma 7.203 × 109 7.203 × 109 Normoblast population in the bone marrow
gamma_M 0.2500 0.2500
gdUloss 1 1
I_t_1 100 100
k_iR 0.0300 0.0300
k_iS 0.0100 0.0100
kappa 1 × 10−9 1 × 10−9 Reticulocyte release from bone marrow
kM 0.0100 0.0100
knuIRBC 3 3
knuURBC 1 1
lambdaI.sel 1.5 × 10−11 1.5 × 10−11
lambdaU.sel 5 × 10−7 5 × 10−7
M_t_1 1.2 × 109 1.2 × 109 Macrophage population in the spleen
mag_deltaUr 10 10
MaxFold 10 10 Maximum fold increase in RBC production
mu_deltaUr 3.6500 3.6500
nu 0 × 10 0 × 10
p_to_spleen 1 1
PMF 8 8 Parasite multiplication
Pv_slope 4.5000 4.5000
rho0 0.0010 0.0010 Reticulocyte release from bone marrow
rho_inflection 0.5000 0.5000 Reticulocyte release from bone marrow
rho_slope 10 10 Reticulocyte release from bone marrow
sigma_deltaUr 0.0025 0.0025
sl_beta 20 20
slope_e 16 16
T_irbc 48 48
T_M 108 108
T_n 120 120
T_R 84 84 Reticulocyte release from bone marrow
T_R_min 24 24 Reticulocyte release from bone marrow
T_urbc 2880 2880
U_ss 1.752 × 1013 1.752 × 1013 Steady-state RBC population
UIdelta50iRBC 0.0001 0.0001
UIdelta50uRBC 1 × 10−7 1 × 10−7
Ul 5.7815 × 1012 5.7815 × 1012
w_rc 0.1000 0.1000
zeta_a50 26 26
zeta_sl 10 10

Macrophage population in the spleen

Steven Kho:

I cannot find a reference showing this exact figure. Our own estimates of total macrophages in the spleen based on counts by histology is 8.7 × 109 cells, though our spleens are infected and enlarged, therefore may not represent baseline steady-state. I have done similar calculations from published histological counts in control spleens (Urban et al., 2005), and the number comes to 1.2 × 109 cells.

Maximum fold increase in RBC production

As per Watson et al. (2017):

In extreme anaemia [RBC production] can be increased fivefold or more, for example.

Figure 3 of Appendix 1 shows the haematocrit response and reticulocyte count response for max-fold values of 1..10.

Normoblast population in the bone marrow

Steven Kho:

The reference we have previously used for bone marrow cellularity and content is (Harrison, 1962) which states a mean of 11.1 × 109 nucleated cells/kg body weight, of which 28.4% are normoblasts. Therefore, in an average 60kg Papuan male, this data suggests the bone marrow contains 6.7 × 1011 normoblasts, which is about 2 log-folds higher than the current value in the model. If I look at other studies cited in this paper (Table 5), values do fall in this range when you adjust to total bodyweight.

At steady-state we obtain γ = 7.2 × 109, which results in a normoblast population of 8.64 × 1011. This is 29% higher than 6.7 × 1011.

Adjusting the model normoblast population

Presumably we can’t assume that the splenectomised Papuans had an average bodyweight of  ≈ 96 kg.

We can adjust the normoblast population at homeostasis by adjusting model parameters. However, adjusting the baseline rate parameter ρ0 and scaling parameter κ for the reticulocyte release rate results in a reduction of  < 1%. Here are the results obtained by adjusting other parameters:

  • ρ: can only increase the normoblast population by decreasing the release rate.
  • λu: minimal change for rate parameter between 10−10 and 1010.
  • δu: minimal change for rate parameter between 10−3 and 1.
  • δu: minimal change for rate parameter between 105 and 105.
  • δumin: a 100-fold reduction decreases the normoblast population to  ≈ 8.5 × 1011.

But the decrease in δumin also causes the circulating RBC population to remain stable during infections. With the current baseline parameters, the final circulating RBC count is  ≈ 73.7% of the steady-state count. Decreasing δumin 100-fold results in a final circulating RBC count that is  ≈ 96.6% of the steady-state count.

Note that the median total RBC count in asymptomatic participants in the HHS differs very little between uninfected (1.75 × 1013) and infected (1.73 × 1013 for Pf, 1.66 × 1013 for Pv).

Steven Kho:

We reported in the AJH paper (Kho et al., 2023) that asymptomatic infection resulted in a 8.1% loss of circulating RBCs, which translates to 91.9% of steady-state. Perhaps the rate of removal of RBCs (except young and old) in the spleen could be tweaked to a smaller fold-change to address this?

If we scale δumin by 0.15, the steady-state normoblast population is 8.64 × 1011, and the final circulating RBC count is  ≈ 8.3% for Pf and  ≈ 9.7% for Pv.

Parasite multiplication

From Simpson et al. (2002):

The mean population estimate of “PMR” was approximately 8, and was highly dependent on the P. falciparum “strain”. PMR also varied significantly between patients with a 90% prediction interval varying from 5.5 to 12.3-fold.

Reticulocyte release from bone marrow

As per the caption of Figure 2 in Koepke and Koepke (1986):

With increasing anaemia (and erythropoietin production) the maturation time of the erythroid marrow normoblasts and reticulocytes progressively shortens from a normal 3.5 days to 1.5 days or less. Conversely the reticulocytes in the peripheral blood persist for a longer time when the patient is anaemic.

The manuscript text also states:

The maturation time of the reticulocyte in the peripheral blood is taken as 1 day when the PCV is 0.45±0.5, 1.5 days when the PCV is 0.35±0.05, 2 days when the PCV is 0.25±0.05, and 3 days when the PCV is 0.15±0.05 (Hillman & Finch 1967).

Accordingly, the residence time in the bone marrow decreases from 3.5 days when the PCV is 0.45±0.5, down to 1.5 day when the PCV is 0.15±0.05.

The following function provides a reasonable characterisation, while maintaining a release age of 3.5 days in the absence of anaemia:

orig_retic_release_age <- function(u_frac) {
  T_R <- 3.5 * 24
  T_R_min <- 24

  pkg_data <- new.env()
  utils::data("rbc_steady_state", package = "spleenrbc", envir = pkg_data)
  u_ss <- pkg_data$rbc_steady_state

  u_rbc <- pmin(u_frac * u_ss, u_ss)
  scale <- log(u_ss) - log(u_rbc)
  t_release <- T_R_min + (T_R - T_R_min) * exp(-100 * scale)

new_retic_release_age <- function(u_frac, inflection, slope) {
  T_R <- 3.5 * 24
  T_R_min <- 24
  u_frac <- pmin(u_frac, 1)

  scale <- T_R - T_R_min
  T_R_min + scale / (1 + exp(- slope * (u_frac - inflection)))

plot_retic_release_age <- function() {
  u_frac <- seq(from = 0, to = 1.0, by = 1e-3)
  slope <- 10
  inflection <- 0.5
  orig_age <- orig_retic_release_age(u_frac)
  new_age <- new_retic_release_age(u_frac, inflection, slope)

  df <- data.frame(
    u_pcnt = rep(100 * u_frac, 2),
    age = c(orig_age, new_age),
    equation = rep(c("Original", "New"), each = length(u_frac))

  df_koepke <- data.frame(
    hematocrit = c(45, 35, 25, 15),
    age = 24 * c(3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 1.5)
  ) |> dplyr::mutate(
    u_pcnt = 100 * hematocrit / 45,
    equation = "Koepke & Koepke (1986)"

  ggplot(df, aes(u_pcnt, age / 24)) +
    geom_line(mapping = aes(colour = equation)) +
    geom_point(data = df_koepke) +
    expand_limits(y = 0) +
      "uRBC Population (% of steady-state)",
      breaks = c(0, 33, 66.7, 100),
      labels = c("0%", "33%", "67%", "100%")
    ) +
    ylab("Minimum age of release (days)") +
      "Equation: ",
      palette = "Dark2"
    ) +
    theme(legend.position = "top")


Steady-state RBC population

We used the median RBC count from Papuans with no malaria infection, who had not reported fever in the past 24 hours, as reported by Pava et al. (2016).


Harrison, W.J., 1962. The total cellularity of the bone marrow in man. Journal of Clinical Pathology 15, 254–259. https://doi.org/10.1136/jcp.15.3.254
Kho, S., Siregar, N.C., Qotrunnada, L., Fricot, A., Sissoko, A., Shanti, P.A.I., Candrawati, F., Kambuaya, N.N., Rini, H., Andries, B., Hardy, D., Margyaningsih, N.I., Fadllan, F., Rahmayenti, D.A., Puspitasari, A.M., Leonardo, L., Yayang, B.T.G., Margayani, D.S., Prayoga, P., Trianty, L., Kenangalem, E., Price, R.N., Yeo, T.W., Minigo, G., Noviyanti, R., Poespoprodjo, J.R., Anstey, N.M., Buffet, P.A., 2023. Retention of uninfected red blood cells causing congestive splenomegaly is the major mechanism of anemia in malaria. American Journal of Hematology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajh.27152
Koepke, J.F., Koepke, J.A., 1986. Reticulocytes. Clinical &amp; Laboratory Haematology 8, 169–179. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2257.1986.tb00093.x
Pava, Z., Burdam, F.H., Handayuni, I., Trianty, L., Utami, R.A.S., Tirta, Y.K., Kenangalem, E., Lampah, D., Kusuma, A., Wirjanata, G., Kho, S., Simpson, J.A., Auburn, S., Douglas, N.M., Noviyanti, R., Anstey, N.M., Poespoprodjo, J.R., Marfurt, J., Price, R.N., 2016. Submicroscopic and asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia associated with significant risk of anaemia in Papua, Indonesia. PLOS ONE 11, e0165340. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0165340
Simpson, J.A., Aarons, L., Collincs, W.E., Jeffery, G.M., White, N.J., 2002. Population dynamics of untreated plasmodium falciparum malaria within the adult human host during the expansion phase of the infection. Parasitology 124, 247–263. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0031182001001202
Urban, B.C., Hien, T.T., Day, N.P., Phu, N.H., Roberts, R., Pongponratn, E., Jones, M., Mai, N.T.H., Bethell, D., Turner, G.D.H., Ferguson, D., White, N.J., Roberts, D.J., 2005. Fatal Plasmodium falciparum malaria causes specific patterns of splenic architectural disorganization. Infection and Immunity 73, 1986–1994. https://doi.org/10.1128/iai.73.4.1986-1994.2005
Watson, J., Taylor, W.R., Menard, D., Kheng, S., White, N.J., 2017. Modelling primaquine-induced haemolysis in G6PD deficiency. eLife 6. https://doi.org/10.7554/elife.23061